Negrese / Brownies
Acest desert este o incrucisare intre un tort si o prajitura de textura moale, care deseori este acompaniata cu o varietate de ingrediente ( fulgi de cicolata, nuci, migdale, alune, esente, fructe). Poate avea texturi diferite incepand cu cea de consistenta unui fudge pana la cea a unui blat de tort. Un echilibru perfect intre zahar si ciocolata amaruie.
Negresele sunt consumate deseori cu lapte sau pot fi chiar prajiturica de la cafea. Poate fi servita si calda acompaniata cu o cupa de inghetata de vanilie.
200 gr ciocolata neagra tocata ( 60% cacao)
120 gr unt taiat bucatele
2 linguri cu cacao
3 oua mari
100 gr faina
200 gr zahar pudra
un varf de cutit de sare
Mod de preparare:
Primul pas este de a incalzi cuptorul la 180 de grade.
Ciocolata impreuna cu untul se vor topi la bain-mare. Cand acestea devin de textura lichida, amestecand continuu, se va adauga cacao cernuta,iar mai apoi zaharul, deasemenea cernut. Unul cate unul se adauga si ouale, faina de asemenea cernuta si sarea. Pasta usor lipicioasa se toarna intr-o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt, sau unsa cu unt, si se coace pe gratarul din mijloc tip de 20 de minute pentru o consistenta fudgy. Daca dorinta este de a obtine o textura mai spre consistenta unui blat de tort, 30 de minute vor fi suficiente. Prajitura va capata o crusta crocanta la suprafata.
This dessert is a mix between a cake and a soft cookie texture, which is garnished often with other ingredients ( nuts, almonds, chocolate chips, fruits, essences). It may have different textures, starting with the fudge consistence and end of the texture of a cake. A perfect match between the sugar and dark chocolate.
Brownies are often accompanied by coffee or milk. It may be served warm with vanilla ice cream
200 gr chopped dark chocolate ( 60% cacao)
120 gr chopped butter
2 spoons of cacao
3 big eggs
100 gr flour
200 gr caster sugar
1 pinch of salt
First step is preheat the oven on 180 Celsius degrees.
Melt the chocolate and the butter on bain-marie.After the mixture has the right texture, continuously mixing add the sifted cacao and the caster sugar also sifted. One by one incorporate the eggs, sifted flour and salt. Put the sticky mixture in a tray with baking paper or dusted with butter.
Leave it in oven for 20 minutes if you want a fudgy texture. If you wish a cake texture, then leave 30 minutes. The cake will have a great crispy cover.
looks great