Conform spuselor lui Vongerichten, a scos un blat de pandispan mult mai repede decat timpul de coacere din cuptor, descoperind asfel ca miezul era inca crema dar cald. Atat partea coapta a pandispanului cat si cea crema erau foarte gustoase.
Americanii, i-au acordat credit atat lui Vongerichten, cat si retetei sale, iar acum este cel mai popular desert din meniu de desert al restaurantelor de lux.
Ingrediente pentru 8 portii:
320 gr ciocolata neagra 85%cacao
4 galbenusuri
4 oua intregi
150 gr unt
60 gr faina
140 gr zahar pudra
1 esenta vanilie
1 praf de sare
Mod de preparare:
Ciocolata se topeste la bain-marinee impreuna cu untul. Se aauga zaharul pudra, iar dupa omogenizare, se adauga galbenusurile si ouale intregi. Se amesteca energic apoi se adauga esenta de vanilie, praful de sare si faina.
Crema obtinuta, se pune in forme individuale de aluminiu, tapetate cu unt, si se coc in cuptorul preincalzit la 200C, timp de 10 minute.
Dupa coacere, prajituricile se scot din forme, se aseaza pe farfurie cu partea superioara in jos si se servesc calde.
According to Vongerichten, he pulled a chocolate sponge cake from the oven before it was baked and discovered that the middle is still runny, but warm and with a good taste.
Vongerichten has been credited with popularizing in USA and now is the most popular dessert on the high-top restaurant menus.
Ingredients for 8 dishes:
320 gr. dark chocolate 85% cacao
4 yolks
4 eggs
150 gr butter
60 gr flour
140 gr caster sugar
1 vanilla essence
1 pinch of salt
On bain-marinee, melt the butter with chocolate. After melting, add the caster sugar and give a good mix. Add the eggs and yolks, vanilla essence and the pinch of salt and mix again. On the final mixture step add the flour and mix very good.
In butter coated aluminum individual forms, bake for 10 minutes on preheat oven at 200C.
After baking remove the aluminum form, serve the cake hot, upside down than it was baked.
21 March 2016
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