15 March 2016



Hamburgerul, este un sandwish de tip fast food, compus dintr-o chiftea numita burger, plasat la mijlocul unei chifle croncante, asezonat cu ingrediente dupa gustul fiecaruia. 
         Marea descoperire s-a facut de catre Louis Lunch, in 1890 in  New Haven-Connecticut si a fost pomenit de ziarul " Chicago Daily Tribune", intr-un articol numit "  Sandwish Car", din 1896.
         Hamburgerul este un preparat, potrivit pentru majoritatea dintre noi, fiind foarte versatil in ceea ce priveste ingredintele folosite. 
        Iata una dintre retetele propuse de mine: 


500gr. carne de vita tocata
1 ou
1 lingura mustar
1 lingura sos Worcesteir
1 lingura ketchup
1 ceapa mica/medie
sare, piper dupa gust

 + elemente de "accesorizat" burgerul. 

Mod de preparare:

           Ceapa am tocat-o marunt, si am calit-o in putin ulei. Intr-un castron, am amestecat carnea cu toate ingredintele si am adaugat si ceapa calita. 
            Din aceasta compozitie, am facut niste chiftele turtite de dimensiunile chiflelor folosite, nu prea groase dar nici prea subtiri, pe care le-am prajit pe grill-ul bine inchins. 
            Pentru a obtine efectul acela de chifla crocanta, am asezat cateva secunde fiecare parte a chiflei,  pe grill, apoi am inceput sa montez hamburgerii. 
             Aici incepe partea creativa. Fiecare poate folosi absolut ce ingredinte ii sunt pe plac. Eu mereu cand gatesc asta, intreb in casa cu ce se pofteste, fiiind la libera alegere. 
         Pe chifla, folosesc Jack Daniels smoked sauce, apoi combin ingredientele dorite ( ardei copt, castaveti murati, ardei iute, salata, rosii, castravete proaspat, ceapa caramelizata, felii de branza, maioneza, ketchup, sos picant, bacon prajit s.a.m.d. ). 

           O alta reteta de preparare a burgerului din hamburger, poti gasi aici

Tu cu ce ingrediente vezi hamburgerul ideal?

      Hamburger is a flat food type sandwish, composed from a flat meatball and a crispy bun seasoned with all type of ingredients.
          This big discovery was made by Louis Lunch in 1890, New-Haven, Connecticut and was written about in " Chicago Daily Tribune", in an article called " Sandwish Car", in 1896.
           The hamburger is a dish, who match everybody, because it is fickle regarding the used ingredients. 

           Here is what i propose: 

500 gr ground beef
1 egg
1 tbsp mustard
1 tbsp Worcesteir sauce
1 tbsp ketchup 
1 small/medium tinny chopped onion
salt and pepper

+ hamburger " accessory" :)


I fried the onion with a little bit of oil. In a boll, i gave a mix of all ingredients above and added the fried onion. 
With this mix i've made some flat meatballs in size with the used buns and grilled on hot grill. 
To obtain that crispy feeling i grilled also the buns and after i start put everything together. 
This is where the show begins. Everyone can use any ingredient he likes. When I make burgers, i let everyone choose how they like theirs. 
       On the bun, i used Jack Daniels smoked sauce and then the other ingredients ( it could be baked capsicum, pickles, chilli, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, caramelized onion, bacon, cheese, hot sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup).
       Another burger recipe you can find here.
        With what ingredients do you like your hamburger? 

1 comment:

  1. Trebuie sa caut si eu sosul asta!!! si din cauza ta acum mi-e foameee!
