Daca i-a placut, o sa mai ceara. Dar stiu sigur ca a fost un desert din inima pentru inima :)
3/4 cana de lapte
2 linguri otet de vin alb
1 cana de faina
2 linguri de zahar
1 lingurita de praf de copt
1 ou
2 linguri de unt topit
Mod de preparare:
Pentru inceput intr-un castron am amestecat otetul cu laptele si le-am lasat 5 minute sa se inchege.
Apoi, am adaugat oul si untul si am amestecat bine, urmand sa adaug faina zaharul si praful de copt amestecate in prealabil. Am mixat bine pana s-au dizolvat cocoloasele. Pentru a le da culoare inimilor mele, am adaugat colorant alimentar dupa ochi pana mi-a placut culoarea.
Le-am prajit ca pe clatite, intr-o tigaie anti-aderenta fara ulei, si dupa racire cu cutitul am decupar forma.
Intre 2 clatite, am pus mousse de mango, si deasupra frisca si capsuni.
It wasn't neither Valentine's day, neither "Dragobete", or his b-day, or mine or ours. Was Champions league. But you don't need a special occasion for surprise him right? I was bored, I guessed already the correct score. He was focused there, i looked for something to do and look what comes up:
If he liked it i don't know, he will ask for more. But i really know that was a dessert from heart to heart.
3/4 cup milk
2tablespoons white vinegar
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg
2 tablespoons melted butter
Combine milk with vinegar in a bowl and set aside for 5 minutes to sour.
Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and baking powder.
Whisk eggs and butter into milk and then pour the flour mix.
Because we are speaking here about heart pancakes, i added red food coloring as much as i thought is red enough.
Heat a large pan and cook the both sides. After soured i cut pancakes in heart shape.
Between hearts i put mango mousse and on top whipped cream and strawberries.
yumm, we wants some, noooo, me wants loooot!!!!
ReplyDeletehihi. Tu stii ce simplu sunt de facut si n-ai idee ce bune sunt