08 February 2015

Cotlet de porc cu sos de miere / Pork chop with honey sauce


Mie de fel nu prea imi place mierea si de multe ori cand am auzit de preparate cu miere am batut in retragere. 
De o perioada incerc sa trec peste aceste bariete de a nu manca anumite preparate, incercand sa imi diversific pe cat se poate alimentatia. Oricum pe langa acest fapt nu pot sa renunt la carne si nici nu am sa renunt vreodata. Asadar....pentru 2 portii.

2 bucati de cotlet de porc
50ml otet
2 linguri miere
1 ceapa mica rosie
1 crenguta rozmarin
2 catei de usturoi
1 lingura de unt

Mod de preparare:
Cotletele le-am sarat, piperat si dat cu putin ulei pe ambele parti. Le-am pus deoparte si le-am lasat sa isi faca de cap. 
Intre timp, am tocat ceapa marunt, am zdrobit usturoiul si le-am calit intr-o tigaie de ceramica fara ulei. Cand s-au inmuiat, am adaugat otetul, mierea, rozmarinul si le-am lasat sa fiarba pana au scazut putin. Sosul l-am strecurat dupa care l-am amestecat cu untul. 
Cu aproximativ 6 minute inainte sa termin prepararea sosului, am incins tigaia grill si am prajit cotletele cate 3 minute pe fiecare parte.
Le-am servit cu garnitura de orez cu bob lung amestecat cu ardei gras rosu taiat grosier si usor calit pe gratar langa cotlete.

Personally i do not like honey and every time i heard about the dishes with honey i gave  up. 
From a period i try to get over those barriers and try to diversify my alimentation. Anyway i can't give up on meat and i never will. So... for 2 serves. 

2pcs pork chop
50ml  vinegar
2 tablespoon honey
1 small red onion
1 twig of rosemary
2 clove of garlic
1 tablespoon of butter

I give salt, pepper and oli to the pork chops and leave them to rest. 
In this time, i finely chopped the onion and garlic and fry them in a ceramics pan without oil. After they got soften, i added the vinegar, honey and rosemary and let them boil until the sauce has reduced. I strain the sauce and mix the butter in it.
With aprox. 6 minutes before the sauce was ready i heat the grill pan and fry the pork chops for 3 minutes each side.
I served the chops with long grain rice mixed with big slices of grill fried red capsicum.

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