08 February 2015

Supa crema de parmezan / Parmesan soup


Parmezanul provine din Italia, mai exact din zona Parma, de acolo si numele parmezanului original, Parmigiano-Reggiano.
Este un tip de branza tare, cu un gust usor sec, folosibil in multe preparate. 
Supa aceasta are un gust puternic de parmezan, perfecta servita fierbinte in zilele de iarna alaturi de bacon prajit si crutoane, fiind foarte consistenta. 

Din masurile pe care le-am folosit, au iesit 4 portii de supa.

200gr parmigiano-reggiano
500ml lapte
500ml smantana dulce
250ml supa de pui
40gr unt
1 ceapa alba medie

Mod de preparare:
Intr-o craticioara am pus untul la topit, dupa care am calit ceapa taiata marunt pana s-a inmuiat, am adaugat laptele, smantana si supa, iar dupa ce au inceput sa fiarba parmezanul dat pe razatoarea. Dupa ce parmezanul, s-a topit am dat supa prin blender, am strecurat-o dupa care am mai dat-o la foc pana a inceput sa fiarba. Am asezonat-o dupa gust cu sare si piper. 

The origin of parmesan is Italy, more accurate, from Parma. This is the reason of the name of parmesan which is, Parmigiano-Reggiano.
It is a hard type of cheese with a dry taste, which perfectly fit with so many dishes.
This soup has a strong taste of parmesan, perfect served with fried bacon and croutons in cold days of winter. 

The measuremens that i used are for 4 serves.

200gr parmigiano-reggiano
500ml milk
500ml cream
250ml chicken soup
40gr butter
1 medium white onion

In a pot, melt the butter and then fry the small chopperd onion until it softens, add milk, cream and soup. Leave them until begin to boil, then add the parmesan and left until it's will melt. Beld and strain, aflter give it another boil salt and pepper.