16 March 2016

Paste Carbonara


        Pastele Carbonara sunt un preparat originar din Roma, bazat pe branza, oua si bacon. 
         Preparatul a fost descoperit in secolul 20.
        Numele pastelor a derivat din cuvantul italian " carbonaro" (  arzator de carbune ). Exista o teorie precum preparatul a fost creat pentru minerii din Roma. 


300gr paste ( spagehetti, penne, farfale s.a.m.d.)
2 galbenusuri
300 gr parmezan ras
200 gr bacon taiat micut
200gr smantana
3 catei usturoi
sare si piper

Mod de preparare:

        Pastele se pun la fiert in apa cu ulei si sare, conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj. 
         In timpul ce fierb pastele,  baconul se prajeste intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei. 
          Intr-un castron, zdrobim usturoiul si il amestecam cu galbenusurile, sare, piper, smantana si 250gr parmezan. 
          Cand pastele s-au fiert se scurg de apa, fara a se clati, si se  pun in castronul in care am facut sosul, adaugand si baconul prajit si se amesteca energic. 
           Sunt gata de servit dupa ce se presara parmezanul ce a ramas, peste.  

             Carbonara is a Roma psta dish based on chesse, eggs and bacon. 
              The dish was discovered in 20th century.
               The name of the pastas is derived from carbonaro ( the italian word for charcoal burner). There is a theory that the dish was created for italian charcoal workers. 


300gr pastas ( spaghetti, penne, farfale etc.)
2 egg yolks
300gr parmesan
200gr tinny slices of bacon
200gr cream
3 garlic cloves
salt and pepper


            Put the pastas to boil in water with a pinch of olive oil and salt, according the package instruction.
          Meanwhile, frie the bacon in a pan with a little bit of oil.
           In a bowl smash the garlic cloves and mix with egg yolks, salt, pepper, cream and 250gr of parmesan. 
            When pastas are ready, drain the water without rinsing and add them to the cream mixture, then bacon and give a good mix. 
             Pastas are ready to serve when you add the remained parmesan on the top of the dish.

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