08 February 2015

Banane prajite / Fried bananas


La origine sunt chinezesti. 
Mie mi se pare ca sunt o garnitura perfecta pentru orice prajitura. 
Merg de asemenea si doar cu un topping de ciocolata sau frisca, astfel devenind rolul principal in farfurie. 
Reteta o scriu doar pentru banane prajite dar am testat si ananas, mar si portocala.

100gr fraina
20gr zahar
1 lingurita praf de copt
1 ou
100 ml lapte
scortisoara dupa gust
nuca de cocos
coaja rasa de la 1 lamaie

Mod de preparare:
Bananele decojite le-am taiat in 2 apoi in mai multe bucati
Am pregatit o pasta din faina ou, zahar lapte si praf de copt si am lasat-o in pace 1 ora. 
Am adaugat mai apoi nuca de cocos, scortisoara si coaja de lamaie. 
Am trecut fiecare bucata de banana prin aluat si le-am prajit in ulei incins pana au capatat o culoare aurie. Le-am lasat la scurs pe un servetel. 
Le-am servit alaturi de cheesecake si sos de kiwi.

Originally from China. 
In my opinion this is the best garnish for every cake. 
Those are also perfectly fit with chocolate topping or whipped cream and in this case bananas are in the main role in the dish. 
I will write the recipe only for bananas but it's fit great with pineapple, apple and orange too.

100gr flour
20gr sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 egg
100ml milk
cinnamon as your taste
coconut flakes
1 lemon zest 

I cut in half the peeled bananas and after in medium pieces. 
I prepared a pasta from flour, egg, sugar , milk and baking powder and let it rest for 1 houir.
After that i added the coconut flakes, cinnamon and the lemon zest.
I covered every single piece of banana with the mix and fried those in oil bath, until those became goldish.  Left for 2 minutes on a kitchen napkin to draw the oil. 
I served with cheesecake and kiwi sauce  

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