A few days ago i was at CTS Corner where i bought my very first BART spicy mix which is Cajun spicy mix, which i talk about here
L-am gustat, m-a impresionat si in viziunea mea, l-am vazut direct pe niste bucati de piept de pui garnisite cu niste cuscus de granulatie mare cu ghimbir. Asa ca:
I taste it and i was impressed, imagining right away a Cajun breast chicken with ginger cous-cous.
Piept de pui dezosat si dezpielitat
Ulei de masline
Amestec Cajun
Mod de preparare:
Pieptul de pui se taie pe lungime in feli subtiri, se stropeste cu ulei de masline si se presara peste el doar amestecul Cajun, fara sare sau piper deoarece amestecul deja le contine pe cele 2.
Intr-o tigaie bine incinsa se aseaza puiul, si se prajeste aproximativ 3-4 minute ( depinde cat de groase sunt bucatile de carne) pe fiecare parte,
Dupa prajirea puiului l-am feliat si l-am servit alaturi de cuscus cu ghimbir.
Chicken breasts ( boneless )
Olive oli
Cajun mix
Slice the breasts and drizzle it with olive oil, and then with cajun mix without salt and pepper because the mix already have those. In a hot pan fry the breast for 3-4 minute each side depends on how thick are the slices of breast.
The final step is to slice the breast in small pieces and then serve it with ginger cous-cous.
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