o cana de penne
1 cutiuta de pasta de rosii ( 200 grame )
2 catei de usturoi zdrobiti
100 de grame de bacon taiat feliute mici
1 mana de ciuperci champignon proaspete
1 ceapa mica taiata pestisori
2 lingurite zahar
1/2 lingurita de scortisoara
1/4 lingurita fulgi de chilli
2 frunze de dafin
1 pahar de apa
busuioc proaspat tocat
ulei de masline
parmezan pentru servire
Mod de preparare:
Pentru inceput pun pastele la fiert in apa cu 2 frunze de busuioc, putin ulei si 1 lingurita de sare. Apoi baconul taiat il pun la prajit in putin ulei pana se rumeneste, adaugand mai apoi ceapa. Pana cand baconul se rumeneste, curat si feliez ciupercile care mai apoi le adaug peste baconul si ceapa rumenite. Adaug sarea si las ciupercile putin la inmuiat.
Cand ciupercile s-au inmuiat adaug pasta de rosii, usturoiul, scortisoara, fulgii de chilli, si frunzele de dafin. Dupa ce acestea dau in clocot, adaug apa si zaharul, urmand sa le las pe foc pana cand apa scade si tot amestecul devine un sos destul de gros. Cand sosul a ajuns la consistenta dorita, voi stinge focul si voi adauga busuiocul proaspat tocat acoperind tigaia cu un capac.
In acest timp pastele s-au fiert, le-am clatit, le-am asezat pe o farfurie peste care am pus sosul si ma presarat parmeza.
! Nu uita sa scoti foile de dafin din preparat !
Cantitatile ingredientelor vor creste direct proportional cu numarul de portii pe care doresti sa il gatesti.
1 cup of penne
200 gr of passata tomatoes
2 mashed cloves of garlic
100 gr of small slices of bacon
1 hand of fresh champignons
1 small onion finely chopped
2 tablespoons of sugar
1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon
1/4 tablespoon of red chilli flakes
2 bay leaves
1 glass of water
fresh chopped basil
olive oil
parmesan for the dish
The first step is boiling the pasta in water with 2 basil leaves and a pinch of olive oil.
Meantime, fry in a pan the slices of bacon, after add the onion. Until the bacon is brown, clean and slice the mushrooms, than add those in the pan. Add salt and leave until the mushrooms will be soaked.
When this step is complete, add the tomatoes, garlic, cinnamon, chilli flakes and the bay leaves. Leave the pan until the ingredients are boiling and than add the water and the sugar.
In this moment all you need to do is to leave the pan to boil until you get a thick sauce, than it is ready. The final step is to add the chopped basil and cover the pan for few minutes with a cover.
Wash the pastas, put those in a plate and cover with sauce, than sprinkle the parmesan.
! Do not forget to take of the bay leaves from the dish before you serve it !
All measurement will increase with the number of dishes you want to cook.
16 December 2014
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