14 December 2014

Cus-cus cu ghimbir / Ginger cous-cous


Cus-cus-ul este de origine din tarile arabe, fiind gasit  sub forma unor granule sferice, de diferite marimi,din faina de grau dur. Este unul dintre cele mai sanatoase produse pe baza de cereale. Este bogat in vitamine, minerale si fibre. Cus-cus-ul este recomandat tuturor persoanele care doresc sa manance sanatos si nu au intoleranta la grau.

Cous-cous are small spherical granules from wheat flour, original  from Arabian side of world. We can find it in different grits. Cous-cous is one of the most healthy cereals products. Is rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers. Cous-cous is recommended for everyone who wants to eat healthy and don't have wheat intolerance. 


o canita de cus-cus
1 lingurita de ghimbir zdrobit
3 stropi de sos de chilli
1 cana supa de pui
2 lingurite ulei de masline


1 small cup of cous-cous ( big spherical type)

1 tablespoon of chopped ginger
3 splash of chilli sauce
1 cup of chicken soup
2 tablespoons of olive oil

Mod de preparare:

Intr-o craticioara se prajeste cus-cus-ul in uleiul de masline, dupa care se adauga supa de pui, sosul de chilli, sarea si ghimbirul. Se fierbe pana  supa de pui devine inexistenta.
Volumul ingredientelor creste direct proportional cu numarul de portii pe care doresti sa il faci.


In a saucepan fry a little bit the cous-cous in olive oil. Then put the rest of ingredients. Boil until the soup will evaporate.

The volume of ingredients will increase  directly proportional with the number of dishes you want to make. 

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