25 October 2016

Negrese / Brownies



          Acest desert este o incrucisare intre un tort si o prajitura de textura  moale, care deseori este acompaniata cu o varietate de ingrediente ( fulgi de cicolata, nuci, migdale, alune, esente, fructe). Poate avea texturi diferite  incepand cu cea  de consistenta unui fudge pana la  cea a unui blat de tort. Un echilibru perfect intre zahar si ciocolata amaruie.
              Negresele sunt consumate deseori cu lapte sau pot fi chiar prajiturica de la cafea. Poate fi servita si calda acompaniata cu o cupa de inghetata de vanilie. 


200 gr ciocolata neagra tocata ( 60% cacao)
120 gr unt taiat bucatele
2 linguri cu cacao 
3 oua mari 
100 gr faina
200 gr zahar pudra
un varf de cutit de sare

Mod de preparare:

Primul pas este de a incalzi cuptorul la 180 de grade.
     Ciocolata impreuna cu untul se vor topi la bain-mare. Cand acestea devin de textura lichida, amestecand continuu, se va adauga cacao cernuta,iar mai apoi zaharul, deasemenea cernut. Unul cate unul se adauga si ouale, faina de asemenea cernuta si sarea. Pasta usor  lipicioasa se toarna intr-o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt, sau unsa cu unt, si se coace pe gratarul din mijloc tip de 20 de minute  pentru o consistenta fudgy. Daca dorinta este de a obtine o textura mai spre consistenta unui blat de tort, 30 de minute vor fi suficiente. Prajitura va capata o crusta crocanta la suprafata. 

            This dessert is a mix between a cake and a soft cookie texture, which is garnished often with other ingredients ( nuts, almonds,  chocolate chips, fruits, essences). It may have different textures, starting   with the fudge consistence and end of the texture of a cake. A perfect match between the sugar and dark chocolate. 
              Brownies are often accompanied by coffee or milk. It may be served warm with vanilla ice cream


200 gr chopped dark chocolate ( 60% cacao)
120 gr chopped butter
2 spoons of cacao
3 big eggs
100 gr flour
200 gr caster sugar
1 pinch of salt


      First step is preheat the oven on 180 Celsius degrees.
      Melt the chocolate and the butter on bain-marie.After the mixture has the right texture, continuously mixing add the sifted cacao and the caster sugar also sifted. One by one incorporate the eggs, sifted flour and salt. Put the sticky mixture in a tray with baking paper or dusted with butter. 
        Leave it in oven for 20 minutes if you want a fudgy texture. If you wish a cake texture, then leave 30 minutes. The cake will have a great crispy cover.    

21 March 2016

Lava Cake


              Conform spuselor lui Vongerichten, a scos un blat de pandispan mult mai repede decat timpul de coacere din cuptor, descoperind asfel ca miezul  era inca crema dar cald. Atat partea coapta a pandispanului cat si cea crema erau foarte gustoase. 
               Americanii, i-au acordat credit atat lui Vongerichten, cat si retetei sale, iar acum este cel mai popular desert din meniu de desert al restaurantelor de lux. 

Ingrediente pentru 8 portii:

 320 gr ciocolata neagra 85%cacao
4 galbenusuri
4 oua intregi
150 gr unt
60 gr faina
140 gr zahar pudra
1 esenta vanilie
1 praf de sare

Mod de preparare: 

          Ciocolata se topeste la bain-marinee impreuna cu untul. Se aauga zaharul pudra, iar dupa omogenizare, se adauga galbenusurile si ouale intregi. Se amesteca energic apoi se adauga esenta de vanilie, praful de sare si faina. 
         Crema obtinuta, se pune in forme individuale de aluminiu, tapetate cu unt, si se coc in cuptorul preincalzit la 200C, timp de 10 minute. 
         Dupa coacere, prajituricile se scot din forme, se aseaza pe farfurie cu partea superioara in jos si se servesc calde.  

            According to Vongerichten, he pulled a chocolate sponge cake from the oven before it was baked and discovered that the middle is still runny, but warm and with a good taste. 
           Vongerichten has been credited with popularizing in USA and now is the most popular dessert on the high-top restaurant menus.  

Ingredients for 8 dishes:

 320 gr. dark chocolate 85% cacao
4 yolks
4 eggs
150 gr butter
60 gr flour
140 gr caster sugar
1 vanilla essence
1 pinch of salt


          On bain-marinee, melt the butter with chocolate. After melting, add the caster sugar and give a good mix. Add the eggs and yolks, vanilla essence and the pinch of salt and mix again. On the final mixture step add the flour and mix very good.
           In butter coated aluminum individual forms, bake for 10 minutes on preheat oven at 200C. 
           After baking remove the aluminum form, serve the cake hot, upside down than it was baked.   


16 March 2016

Paste Carbonara


        Pastele Carbonara sunt un preparat originar din Roma, bazat pe branza, oua si bacon. 
         Preparatul a fost descoperit in secolul 20.
        Numele pastelor a derivat din cuvantul italian " carbonaro" (  arzator de carbune ). Exista o teorie precum preparatul a fost creat pentru minerii din Roma. 


300gr paste ( spagehetti, penne, farfale s.a.m.d.)
2 galbenusuri
300 gr parmezan ras
200 gr bacon taiat micut
200gr smantana
3 catei usturoi
sare si piper

Mod de preparare:

        Pastele se pun la fiert in apa cu ulei si sare, conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj. 
         In timpul ce fierb pastele,  baconul se prajeste intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei. 
          Intr-un castron, zdrobim usturoiul si il amestecam cu galbenusurile, sare, piper, smantana si 250gr parmezan. 
          Cand pastele s-au fiert se scurg de apa, fara a se clati, si se  pun in castronul in care am facut sosul, adaugand si baconul prajit si se amesteca energic. 
           Sunt gata de servit dupa ce se presara parmezanul ce a ramas, peste.  

             Carbonara is a Roma psta dish based on chesse, eggs and bacon. 
              The dish was discovered in 20th century.
               The name of the pastas is derived from carbonaro ( the italian word for charcoal burner). There is a theory that the dish was created for italian charcoal workers. 


300gr pastas ( spaghetti, penne, farfale etc.)
2 egg yolks
300gr parmesan
200gr tinny slices of bacon
200gr cream
3 garlic cloves
salt and pepper


            Put the pastas to boil in water with a pinch of olive oil and salt, according the package instruction.
          Meanwhile, frie the bacon in a pan with a little bit of oil.
           In a bowl smash the garlic cloves and mix with egg yolks, salt, pepper, cream and 250gr of parmesan. 
            When pastas are ready, drain the water without rinsing and add them to the cream mixture, then bacon and give a good mix. 
             Pastas are ready to serve when you add the remained parmesan on the top of the dish.

15 March 2016



Hamburgerul, este un sandwish de tip fast food, compus dintr-o chiftea numita burger, plasat la mijlocul unei chifle croncante, asezonat cu ingrediente dupa gustul fiecaruia. 
         Marea descoperire s-a facut de catre Louis Lunch, in 1890 in  New Haven-Connecticut si a fost pomenit de ziarul " Chicago Daily Tribune", intr-un articol numit "  Sandwish Car", din 1896.
         Hamburgerul este un preparat, potrivit pentru majoritatea dintre noi, fiind foarte versatil in ceea ce priveste ingredintele folosite. 
        Iata una dintre retetele propuse de mine: 


500gr. carne de vita tocata
1 ou
1 lingura mustar
1 lingura sos Worcesteir
1 lingura ketchup
1 ceapa mica/medie
sare, piper dupa gust

 + elemente de "accesorizat" burgerul. 

Mod de preparare:

           Ceapa am tocat-o marunt, si am calit-o in putin ulei. Intr-un castron, am amestecat carnea cu toate ingredintele si am adaugat si ceapa calita. 
            Din aceasta compozitie, am facut niste chiftele turtite de dimensiunile chiflelor folosite, nu prea groase dar nici prea subtiri, pe care le-am prajit pe grill-ul bine inchins. 
            Pentru a obtine efectul acela de chifla crocanta, am asezat cateva secunde fiecare parte a chiflei,  pe grill, apoi am inceput sa montez hamburgerii. 
             Aici incepe partea creativa. Fiecare poate folosi absolut ce ingredinte ii sunt pe plac. Eu mereu cand gatesc asta, intreb in casa cu ce se pofteste, fiiind la libera alegere. 
         Pe chifla, folosesc Jack Daniels smoked sauce, apoi combin ingredientele dorite ( ardei copt, castaveti murati, ardei iute, salata, rosii, castravete proaspat, ceapa caramelizata, felii de branza, maioneza, ketchup, sos picant, bacon prajit s.a.m.d. ). 

           O alta reteta de preparare a burgerului din hamburger, poti gasi aici

Tu cu ce ingrediente vezi hamburgerul ideal?

      Hamburger is a flat food type sandwish, composed from a flat meatball and a crispy bun seasoned with all type of ingredients.
          This big discovery was made by Louis Lunch in 1890, New-Haven, Connecticut and was written about in " Chicago Daily Tribune", in an article called " Sandwish Car", in 1896.
           The hamburger is a dish, who match everybody, because it is fickle regarding the used ingredients. 

           Here is what i propose: 

500 gr ground beef
1 egg
1 tbsp mustard
1 tbsp Worcesteir sauce
1 tbsp ketchup 
1 small/medium tinny chopped onion
salt and pepper

+ hamburger " accessory" :)


I fried the onion with a little bit of oil. In a boll, i gave a mix of all ingredients above and added the fried onion. 
With this mix i've made some flat meatballs in size with the used buns and grilled on hot grill. 
To obtain that crispy feeling i grilled also the buns and after i start put everything together. 
This is where the show begins. Everyone can use any ingredient he likes. When I make burgers, i let everyone choose how they like theirs. 
       On the bun, i used Jack Daniels smoked sauce and then the other ingredients ( it could be baked capsicum, pickles, chilli, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, caramelized onion, bacon, cheese, hot sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup).
       Another burger recipe you can find here.
        With what ingredients do you like your hamburger? 

26 February 2015

Pancake heart


Nu a fost nici Valentine's day, nici Dragobete, nici ziua lui, nici ziua mea, nici ziua noastra.  A fost Champions league. Dar nu ai nevoie de un motiv anume sa il surpinzi nu? Ma plictisea meciul, deja ghicisem scorul corect. El era atent acolo, eu mi-am cautat de lucru si uite ce a iesit:

Daca i-a placut, o sa  mai ceara. Dar stiu sigur ca a fost un desert din inima pentru inima :)


3/4 cana de lapte
2 linguri otet de vin alb
1 cana de faina
2 linguri de zahar
1 lingurita de praf de copt 
1 ou
2 linguri de unt topit

Mod de preparare:

Pentru inceput intr-un castron am amestecat otetul cu laptele si le-am lasat 5 minute sa se inchege.
Apoi, am adaugat oul si untul si am amestecat bine, urmand sa adaug faina zaharul si praful de copt amestecate in prealabil. Am mixat bine pana s-au dizolvat cocoloasele. Pentru a le da culoare inimilor mele, am adaugat colorant alimentar dupa ochi pana mi-a placut culoarea. 
Le-am prajit ca pe clatite, intr-o tigaie anti-aderenta fara ulei, si dupa racire cu cutitul am decupar forma. 
Intre 2 clatite, am pus mousse de mango, si deasupra frisca si capsuni. 

It wasn't neither Valentine's day, neither "Dragobete", or his b-day, or mine or ours. Was Champions league. But you don't need a special occasion for surprise him right? I was bored, I guessed already the correct score. He was focused there, i looked for something to do and look what comes up:

If he liked it i don't know, he will ask for more. But i really know that was a dessert from heart to heart.


3/4 cup milk
2tablespoons white vinegar
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg
2 tablespoons melted butter


Combine milk with vinegar in a bowl and set aside for 5 minutes to sour. 
Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and baking powder.
Whisk eggs and butter into milk and then pour the flour mix.
Because we are speaking here about heart pancakes, i added red food coloring as much as i thought is red enough.
Heat a large pan and cook the both sides. After soured i cut pancakes in heart shape. 
Between hearts i put mango mousse and on top whipped cream and strawberries.

Mousse de mango / Mango mousse


Perfect rece, perfect cu frisca si fructe proaspete, perfect simplu, perfect cu pancakes.
Cu un gust proaspat, un desert usor si rapid, care sigur este pe placul tuturor.
Suficient sa il incerci o data. Vei fi cucerit pe loc.


1 mango
1/3 cana de zahar pudra
2 linguri suc de lamaie
300ml smantana pentru frisca
1 lingurita de gelatina granule

Mod de preparare:

Am inceput cu gelatina care am pus-o la inmuiat in 1/5 cana de apa fiarta am amestecat-o sa se dizolve si am lasat-o aproximativ 5 minute. Cat gelatina a stat la inmuiat am curatat mangoul si l-am taiat bucati, urmand sa il pisez in robotul de bucatarie cu 2 linguri de zahar si zeama de lamaie. Dupa ce gelatina s-a inmuiat, am adaugat-o peste piureul de mango si am mai mixat putin.
Urmatorul pas a constat in a bate smantana de frisca cu restul de zahar pana am obtinut o frisca usoara. Am adaugat-o peste mango si am incorporat-o usor.
Mousse-ul a fost gata dupa 30 de minute la frigider.

Simplu nu?

Perfect  with whipped cream and fresh fruit slices, made easy, perfect with pancakes.
With a fresh taste, a really simple and quick dessert, which will mean something for everyone.
You need to try it 1 time, then you will be in love.


1 mango
1/3 cup caster sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
300ml whipping cream
1 teaspoon gelatin powder


Sprinkle gelatin powder over 1/5 cup boiling water and stir well to dissolve. Set aside for 5 minutes.
Cut cheeks from the mango and scoop flesh into a food processor. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and the lime juice. Mix and after add gelatin. Mix again and put that away.
Whip the cream with the rest caster sugar until is thick. Gently fold into mango mix.
It will be ready in 30 minute.

Simple doesn't it?

08 February 2015

Banane prajite / Fried bananas


La origine sunt chinezesti. 
Mie mi se pare ca sunt o garnitura perfecta pentru orice prajitura. 
Merg de asemenea si doar cu un topping de ciocolata sau frisca, astfel devenind rolul principal in farfurie. 
Reteta o scriu doar pentru banane prajite dar am testat si ananas, mar si portocala.

100gr fraina
20gr zahar
1 lingurita praf de copt
1 ou
100 ml lapte
scortisoara dupa gust
nuca de cocos
coaja rasa de la 1 lamaie

Mod de preparare:
Bananele decojite le-am taiat in 2 apoi in mai multe bucati
Am pregatit o pasta din faina ou, zahar lapte si praf de copt si am lasat-o in pace 1 ora. 
Am adaugat mai apoi nuca de cocos, scortisoara si coaja de lamaie. 
Am trecut fiecare bucata de banana prin aluat si le-am prajit in ulei incins pana au capatat o culoare aurie. Le-am lasat la scurs pe un servetel. 
Le-am servit alaturi de cheesecake si sos de kiwi.

Originally from China. 
In my opinion this is the best garnish for every cake. 
Those are also perfectly fit with chocolate topping or whipped cream and in this case bananas are in the main role in the dish. 
I will write the recipe only for bananas but it's fit great with pineapple, apple and orange too.

100gr flour
20gr sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 egg
100ml milk
cinnamon as your taste
coconut flakes
1 lemon zest 

I cut in half the peeled bananas and after in medium pieces. 
I prepared a pasta from flour, egg, sugar , milk and baking powder and let it rest for 1 houir.
After that i added the coconut flakes, cinnamon and the lemon zest.
I covered every single piece of banana with the mix and fried those in oil bath, until those became goldish.  Left for 2 minutes on a kitchen napkin to draw the oil. 
I served with cheesecake and kiwi sauce