23 January 2015

Chocolate mess



Ganache de ciocolata:

400gr ciocolata amaruie ( 70% cacao)
400gr smantana grasa

Crema mascarpone:

400 gr mascarpone
400 gr smantana pentru frisca
3 linguri zahar
1/2 lingura esenta de vanilie


Mod de preparare:

Pentru ca ganache-ul trebuie sa se raceala, am inceput cu el. Am topit ciocolata la bain-marie, dupa care am incorporat smantana, dupa care am pus amestecul in congelator 15 minute pentru a se raci mai repede.
Cat ganache-ul era la racit, am amestecat mascarponele cu zaharul, urmand sa adaug treptat smantana. La final am amestecat si esenta de vanilie.
Pentru montaj am procedat in felul urmator:  ganache-bezele sfaramate-crema mascarpone-bezele sfaramate-ganache.


Chocolate ganache:

400gr dark chocolate (70% cacao )
400gr heavy cream

Mascarpone cream:

400gr mascarpone
400gr whipping cream
3 tablespoons sugar
1/2 vanilla essence



Because the ganache need to chill down, i made it first. So i melt the chocolate at bain-marie, after that i incorporate the cream and give to the freezer for 15 minutes for chill down faster. 
Until the ganache is chilled down, i mix the mascarpone with sugar and after added slowly the whipping cream and at the final the vanilla essence. 
I made the plating like this: ganache - griding marshmallows - mascarpone cream - griding marshmallows - ganache.

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