2 bucati de cotlet de porc fara os
1 ardei gras rosu
1 ardei gras verde
1 ardei iute verde
100 ml suc de rosii
sos de chilli
Mod de preparare:
Cotletele le-am sarat si piperat, le-am lasat 15 minute si apoi le-am prajit pe gratar.Pentru grosimea lor a fost suficient cate 4 minute pe fiecare parte.
Pentru sos am tocat ardei marunt, si i-am pus intr-o tigaie la calit cu putin ulei, sare si piper. Cand s-au inmuiat am adaugat sosul de chilli si sucul de rosii si l-am lasat sa de-a intr-un clocot cca 5-6 minute. Daca nu iti place picant, renunta la sosul de chilli si ardei iute. Merge de minune alaturi de un piure si castraveciori murati
2 boneless pork chops
1 red capsicum
1 green capsicum
1 green chilli pepper
100 ml tomato juice
chilli sauce
I gived salt and pepper to the pork chops and leave to rest for 15 minute on a plate and after i grilled those. For my chop slices were enough 4 minutes for each side.
For the spicy sauce i finely chopped the peppers and give those a fry in a pan with oil salt and pepper. After the peppers were cooked, i added the tomato and chilli sauces and left to boil for 5-6 minute. If you do not want the sauce to be spicy, don't put the chilli pepper and the chilli sauce. The dish it's perfectly fit with mashed potatoes and peckles.
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