23 January 2015

Muschi de porc in crusta de alune / Pork chop in peanut crust


Sursa de inspiratie: Chef Catalin Scarlatescu


muschi de porc feliat
1 cana de alune
1 cana de nuci
1 sfecla rosie medie

Mod de preparare:

Muschiul l-am sarat si piperat si l-am lasat sa stea putin ( 10-15 minute) inainte sa il frig pe gratar. Sfecla am taiat-o bucati si am pus-o la fiert. Cand s-a fiert am scurs-o si am dat-o prin blender apoi prin sita. L-am asezat pe o farfurie sa ma astepte.
Crusta am facut-o din nuci si alune maruntite prin blender si amestecate cu sare si piper, apoi le-am prajit in foarte putin ulei.
Pentru a forma crusta, am dat carnea prin jeleul de sfecla apoi prin alunele zdrobite.
L-a servit alaturi de cartofi natur si coulis de ardei.

Inspiration: Chef Catalin Scarlatescu


pork chops
1 cup of peanuts
1 cup of nuts
1 medium red beet


I gave salt and pepper on the pork chops and let them on a plate for 10-15 minutes before grilling.
I chopped and boil the beet, then i throw the water, blend and strain it. 
For the crust i blend peanuts and nuts with salt and pepper and fry in a pan with a little bit of oil.
To make the crust, i gave the chops through the beet jelly and after through  peanuts.
I serve the dish with boiled potatoes and capsicum coulis.


  1. Ill try this out!! Thanks for the english translation! :) (nazli) :-*

    1. You're welcome. Thank you too for the idea! Tell me how the food was! :*

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