26 February 2015

Pancake heart


Nu a fost nici Valentine's day, nici Dragobete, nici ziua lui, nici ziua mea, nici ziua noastra.  A fost Champions league. Dar nu ai nevoie de un motiv anume sa il surpinzi nu? Ma plictisea meciul, deja ghicisem scorul corect. El era atent acolo, eu mi-am cautat de lucru si uite ce a iesit:

Daca i-a placut, o sa  mai ceara. Dar stiu sigur ca a fost un desert din inima pentru inima :)


3/4 cana de lapte
2 linguri otet de vin alb
1 cana de faina
2 linguri de zahar
1 lingurita de praf de copt 
1 ou
2 linguri de unt topit

Mod de preparare:

Pentru inceput intr-un castron am amestecat otetul cu laptele si le-am lasat 5 minute sa se inchege.
Apoi, am adaugat oul si untul si am amestecat bine, urmand sa adaug faina zaharul si praful de copt amestecate in prealabil. Am mixat bine pana s-au dizolvat cocoloasele. Pentru a le da culoare inimilor mele, am adaugat colorant alimentar dupa ochi pana mi-a placut culoarea. 
Le-am prajit ca pe clatite, intr-o tigaie anti-aderenta fara ulei, si dupa racire cu cutitul am decupar forma. 
Intre 2 clatite, am pus mousse de mango, si deasupra frisca si capsuni. 

It wasn't neither Valentine's day, neither "Dragobete", or his b-day, or mine or ours. Was Champions league. But you don't need a special occasion for surprise him right? I was bored, I guessed already the correct score. He was focused there, i looked for something to do and look what comes up:

If he liked it i don't know, he will ask for more. But i really know that was a dessert from heart to heart.


3/4 cup milk
2tablespoons white vinegar
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg
2 tablespoons melted butter


Combine milk with vinegar in a bowl and set aside for 5 minutes to sour. 
Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and baking powder.
Whisk eggs and butter into milk and then pour the flour mix.
Because we are speaking here about heart pancakes, i added red food coloring as much as i thought is red enough.
Heat a large pan and cook the both sides. After soured i cut pancakes in heart shape. 
Between hearts i put mango mousse and on top whipped cream and strawberries.

Mousse de mango / Mango mousse


Perfect rece, perfect cu frisca si fructe proaspete, perfect simplu, perfect cu pancakes.
Cu un gust proaspat, un desert usor si rapid, care sigur este pe placul tuturor.
Suficient sa il incerci o data. Vei fi cucerit pe loc.


1 mango
1/3 cana de zahar pudra
2 linguri suc de lamaie
300ml smantana pentru frisca
1 lingurita de gelatina granule

Mod de preparare:

Am inceput cu gelatina care am pus-o la inmuiat in 1/5 cana de apa fiarta am amestecat-o sa se dizolve si am lasat-o aproximativ 5 minute. Cat gelatina a stat la inmuiat am curatat mangoul si l-am taiat bucati, urmand sa il pisez in robotul de bucatarie cu 2 linguri de zahar si zeama de lamaie. Dupa ce gelatina s-a inmuiat, am adaugat-o peste piureul de mango si am mai mixat putin.
Urmatorul pas a constat in a bate smantana de frisca cu restul de zahar pana am obtinut o frisca usoara. Am adaugat-o peste mango si am incorporat-o usor.
Mousse-ul a fost gata dupa 30 de minute la frigider.

Simplu nu?

Perfect  with whipped cream and fresh fruit slices, made easy, perfect with pancakes.
With a fresh taste, a really simple and quick dessert, which will mean something for everyone.
You need to try it 1 time, then you will be in love.


1 mango
1/3 cup caster sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
300ml whipping cream
1 teaspoon gelatin powder


Sprinkle gelatin powder over 1/5 cup boiling water and stir well to dissolve. Set aside for 5 minutes.
Cut cheeks from the mango and scoop flesh into a food processor. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and the lime juice. Mix and after add gelatin. Mix again and put that away.
Whip the cream with the rest caster sugar until is thick. Gently fold into mango mix.
It will be ready in 30 minute.

Simple doesn't it?

08 February 2015

Banane prajite / Fried bananas


La origine sunt chinezesti. 
Mie mi se pare ca sunt o garnitura perfecta pentru orice prajitura. 
Merg de asemenea si doar cu un topping de ciocolata sau frisca, astfel devenind rolul principal in farfurie. 
Reteta o scriu doar pentru banane prajite dar am testat si ananas, mar si portocala.

100gr fraina
20gr zahar
1 lingurita praf de copt
1 ou
100 ml lapte
scortisoara dupa gust
nuca de cocos
coaja rasa de la 1 lamaie

Mod de preparare:
Bananele decojite le-am taiat in 2 apoi in mai multe bucati
Am pregatit o pasta din faina ou, zahar lapte si praf de copt si am lasat-o in pace 1 ora. 
Am adaugat mai apoi nuca de cocos, scortisoara si coaja de lamaie. 
Am trecut fiecare bucata de banana prin aluat si le-am prajit in ulei incins pana au capatat o culoare aurie. Le-am lasat la scurs pe un servetel. 
Le-am servit alaturi de cheesecake si sos de kiwi.

Originally from China. 
In my opinion this is the best garnish for every cake. 
Those are also perfectly fit with chocolate topping or whipped cream and in this case bananas are in the main role in the dish. 
I will write the recipe only for bananas but it's fit great with pineapple, apple and orange too.

100gr flour
20gr sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 egg
100ml milk
cinnamon as your taste
coconut flakes
1 lemon zest 

I cut in half the peeled bananas and after in medium pieces. 
I prepared a pasta from flour, egg, sugar , milk and baking powder and let it rest for 1 houir.
After that i added the coconut flakes, cinnamon and the lemon zest.
I covered every single piece of banana with the mix and fried those in oil bath, until those became goldish.  Left for 2 minutes on a kitchen napkin to draw the oil. 
I served with cheesecake and kiwi sauce  

Ciorba de vacuta / Beef soup


Traditionala ciorba de vacuta, Buna calda servita cu ardei iute si smantana langa. Bogata in legume dar si in carnita :). 

Ingrediente pentru 4 portii

200gr pulpa de vita cubulete
1 ceapa medie 
1 morcov
1 ardei gras 
1 telina mica 
1 radacina de patrunjel 
2 cartofi taiati cubulete
1/4 varza tocata fasii
suc de rosii

Mod de preparare:
Carnea cubulete am pus-o la fiert in apa cu sare si am adunat spuma ori de cate ori a fost nevoie pana cand aceasta s-a fiert. 
Intr-o tigaie am prajit putin ceapa in ulei cu sare boia. Am adaugat amestecul in oala in care carnea fierbea.
Am tocat marut morcovul, ardeiul gras, telina, radacina de patrunjel.Le-am adaugat dupa cum urmeaza:
Morcovul, telina si patrunjeul, dupa 5 minute, ardeiul gras si cartofii, dupa inca 5 minute varza. Timpul total este de 25 de minute de fierbere de la adaugarea radacinoaselor. In ultimele 10 minute de fierbere am adaugat sucul de rosii dupa gust si am asezonat cu sare si piper. 

Best served with cream and chilli pepper. Rich in vegetables but also in meat. :)
Ingredients for 4 serves.

200gr cubic chopped beef pulp
1 medium onion
1 carrot
1 capsicum
1 small celery
1 parsley root
2 cubic chopped potatoes
1/4 strips chopped cabbage
tomatoes juice

In a pot i put the beef pulp to boil in water with salt and gather the scum every time it needs. 
In a pan i fried the onion with oil salt and paprika. The mix i addend in the pot .
I  finely chopped the carrot, capsicum, celery and parley root, and add those like:
The carrot, celery and parley root, after 5 minutes, capsicum and potatoes. After 5 minutes more, the cabbage. The total boil time is 25 minutes after the i added the roots vegetables. In the last 10 minutes of boil i added the tomatoes juice and salt and pepper as my taste. 

Cotlet de porc cu sos de miere / Pork chop with honey sauce


Mie de fel nu prea imi place mierea si de multe ori cand am auzit de preparate cu miere am batut in retragere. 
De o perioada incerc sa trec peste aceste bariete de a nu manca anumite preparate, incercand sa imi diversific pe cat se poate alimentatia. Oricum pe langa acest fapt nu pot sa renunt la carne si nici nu am sa renunt vreodata. Asadar....pentru 2 portii.

2 bucati de cotlet de porc
50ml otet
2 linguri miere
1 ceapa mica rosie
1 crenguta rozmarin
2 catei de usturoi
1 lingura de unt

Mod de preparare:
Cotletele le-am sarat, piperat si dat cu putin ulei pe ambele parti. Le-am pus deoparte si le-am lasat sa isi faca de cap. 
Intre timp, am tocat ceapa marunt, am zdrobit usturoiul si le-am calit intr-o tigaie de ceramica fara ulei. Cand s-au inmuiat, am adaugat otetul, mierea, rozmarinul si le-am lasat sa fiarba pana au scazut putin. Sosul l-am strecurat dupa care l-am amestecat cu untul. 
Cu aproximativ 6 minute inainte sa termin prepararea sosului, am incins tigaia grill si am prajit cotletele cate 3 minute pe fiecare parte.
Le-am servit cu garnitura de orez cu bob lung amestecat cu ardei gras rosu taiat grosier si usor calit pe gratar langa cotlete.

Personally i do not like honey and every time i heard about the dishes with honey i gave  up. 
From a period i try to get over those barriers and try to diversify my alimentation. Anyway i can't give up on meat and i never will. So... for 2 serves. 

2pcs pork chop
50ml  vinegar
2 tablespoon honey
1 small red onion
1 twig of rosemary
2 clove of garlic
1 tablespoon of butter

I give salt, pepper and oli to the pork chops and leave them to rest. 
In this time, i finely chopped the onion and garlic and fry them in a ceramics pan without oil. After they got soften, i added the vinegar, honey and rosemary and let them boil until the sauce has reduced. I strain the sauce and mix the butter in it.
With aprox. 6 minutes before the sauce was ready i heat the grill pan and fry the pork chops for 3 minutes each side.
I served the chops with long grain rice mixed with big slices of grill fried red capsicum.

Supa crema de parmezan / Parmesan soup


Parmezanul provine din Italia, mai exact din zona Parma, de acolo si numele parmezanului original, Parmigiano-Reggiano.
Este un tip de branza tare, cu un gust usor sec, folosibil in multe preparate. 
Supa aceasta are un gust puternic de parmezan, perfecta servita fierbinte in zilele de iarna alaturi de bacon prajit si crutoane, fiind foarte consistenta. 

Din masurile pe care le-am folosit, au iesit 4 portii de supa.

200gr parmigiano-reggiano
500ml lapte
500ml smantana dulce
250ml supa de pui
40gr unt
1 ceapa alba medie

Mod de preparare:
Intr-o craticioara am pus untul la topit, dupa care am calit ceapa taiata marunt pana s-a inmuiat, am adaugat laptele, smantana si supa, iar dupa ce au inceput sa fiarba parmezanul dat pe razatoarea. Dupa ce parmezanul, s-a topit am dat supa prin blender, am strecurat-o dupa care am mai dat-o la foc pana a inceput sa fiarba. Am asezonat-o dupa gust cu sare si piper. 

The origin of parmesan is Italy, more accurate, from Parma. This is the reason of the name of parmesan which is, Parmigiano-Reggiano.
It is a hard type of cheese with a dry taste, which perfectly fit with so many dishes.
This soup has a strong taste of parmesan, perfect served with fried bacon and croutons in cold days of winter. 

The measuremens that i used are for 4 serves.

200gr parmigiano-reggiano
500ml milk
500ml cream
250ml chicken soup
40gr butter
1 medium white onion

In a pot, melt the butter and then fry the small chopperd onion until it softens, add milk, cream and soup. Leave them until begin to boil, then add the parmesan and left until it's will melt. Beld and strain, aflter give it another boil salt and pepper. 

04 February 2015

Cheesecake fara coacere / No oven cheesecake



300g biscuiti digestivi
10ml apa
400g mascarpone
200g unt rece
200 ml frisca lichida
150g lapte condensat
10g gelatina granulata

Mod de preparare:

Am inceput cu prepararea blatului, dand biscutii prin robotul de bucatarie pentru a-i faramita, dupa care i-am framantat cu mana impreuna cu untul taiat bucatele si apa, pana cand am obtinut un aluat sfaramicios.
Intr-o tava acoperita de o folie de plastic, am dat aluatului forma de tava dupa care l-am bagat in congelator pana cand am facut crema.

Am inceput cu gelatina, care am pus-o la hidratat in 50ml apa rece, dupa care am dat-o la bain-marie pana s-a lichefiat.
Frisca am batut-o pana s-a intarit, dupa care am bagat-o in blender impreuna cu branza mascarpone si laptele condensat. Le-am mixat bine dupa care am adaugat gelatina si am mai mixat puternic 2 minute.

Compozitia obtinuta am adaugat-o peste aluatul de biscuiti si am mutat tava in frigider peste noapte.

Am servit alaturi de banane prajite si sos de kiwi cu menta.

25 January 2015

Piept de pui in sos de portocale / Chicken breast in orange sauce



200gr piept de pui
sucul de la 2 portocale
coaja rasa de la 1 portocala
1 bucata cat o nuca de ghimbir

Mod de preparare

Pieptul de pui l-am taiat bucati si l-am dat prin sare, piper, amidon, caja de portocala si ghimbir ras. L-am prajit in ulei, apoi am stins totul cu sucul de portocale. Am mai lasat tigaia pe foc pana s-a ingorsat sosul.
La servire am presarat ardei iute rosu tocat.

24 January 2015

23 January 2015

Muschi de porc in crusta de alune / Pork chop in peanut crust


Sursa de inspiratie: Chef Catalin Scarlatescu


muschi de porc feliat
1 cana de alune
1 cana de nuci
1 sfecla rosie medie

Mod de preparare:

Muschiul l-am sarat si piperat si l-am lasat sa stea putin ( 10-15 minute) inainte sa il frig pe gratar. Sfecla am taiat-o bucati si am pus-o la fiert. Cand s-a fiert am scurs-o si am dat-o prin blender apoi prin sita. L-am asezat pe o farfurie sa ma astepte.
Crusta am facut-o din nuci si alune maruntite prin blender si amestecate cu sare si piper, apoi le-am prajit in foarte putin ulei.
Pentru a forma crusta, am dat carnea prin jeleul de sfecla apoi prin alunele zdrobite.
L-a servit alaturi de cartofi natur si coulis de ardei.

Inspiration: Chef Catalin Scarlatescu


pork chops
1 cup of peanuts
1 cup of nuts
1 medium red beet


I gave salt and pepper on the pork chops and let them on a plate for 10-15 minutes before grilling.
I chopped and boil the beet, then i throw the water, blend and strain it. 
For the crust i blend peanuts and nuts with salt and pepper and fry in a pan with a little bit of oil.
To make the crust, i gave the chops through the beet jelly and after through  peanuts.
I serve the dish with boiled potatoes and capsicum coulis.

Coulis de ardei gras rosu / Red capsicum coulis



1 ardei gras rosu

Mod de preparare:

Ardeiul se coace pe o plita, se curata, se da prin blender apoi prin strecuratoare se adauga sare si piper dupa gust.


1 red capsicum


Grill the capsicum and clean from shell and seeds. Blend it and then strain it. Give salt and pepper for your own taste.

Chocolate mess



Ganache de ciocolata:

400gr ciocolata amaruie ( 70% cacao)
400gr smantana grasa

Crema mascarpone:

400 gr mascarpone
400 gr smantana pentru frisca
3 linguri zahar
1/2 lingura esenta de vanilie


Mod de preparare:

Pentru ca ganache-ul trebuie sa se raceala, am inceput cu el. Am topit ciocolata la bain-marie, dupa care am incorporat smantana, dupa care am pus amestecul in congelator 15 minute pentru a se raci mai repede.
Cat ganache-ul era la racit, am amestecat mascarponele cu zaharul, urmand sa adaug treptat smantana. La final am amestecat si esenta de vanilie.
Pentru montaj am procedat in felul urmator:  ganache-bezele sfaramate-crema mascarpone-bezele sfaramate-ganache.


Chocolate ganache:

400gr dark chocolate (70% cacao )
400gr heavy cream

Mascarpone cream:

400gr mascarpone
400gr whipping cream
3 tablespoons sugar
1/2 vanilla essence



Because the ganache need to chill down, i made it first. So i melt the chocolate at bain-marie, after that i incorporate the cream and give to the freezer for 15 minutes for chill down faster. 
Until the ganache is chilled down, i mix the mascarpone with sugar and after added slowly the whipping cream and at the final the vanilla essence. 
I made the plating like this: ganache - griding marshmallows - mascarpone cream - griding marshmallows - ganache.

22 January 2015

Cotlet de porc cu sos picant / Pork chop with spicy sauce


2 bucati de cotlet de porc fara os
1 ardei gras rosu
1 ardei gras verde
1 ardei iute verde 
100 ml suc de rosii
sos de chilli

Mod de preparare:

Cotletele le-am sarat si piperat, le-am lasat 15 minute si apoi le-am prajit pe gratar.Pentru grosimea lor a fost suficient cate 4 minute pe fiecare parte.
Pentru sos am tocat ardei marunt, si i-am pus intr-o tigaie la calit cu putin ulei, sare si piper. Cand s-au inmuiat am adaugat sosul de chilli si sucul de rosii si l-am lasat sa de-a intr-un clocot cca 5-6 minute. Daca nu iti place picant, renunta la sosul de chilli si ardei iute. Merge de minune alaturi de un piure si castraveciori murati


2 boneless  pork chops
1 red capsicum
1 green capsicum
1 green chilli pepper
100 ml tomato juice
chilli sauce


I gived salt and pepper to the pork chops and leave to rest for 15 minute on a plate and after i grilled those. For my chop slices were enough 4 minutes for each side.
For the spicy sauce i finely chopped the peppers and give those a fry in a pan with oil salt and pepper. After the peppers were cooked, i added the tomato and chilli sauces and left to boil for 5-6 minute. If you do not want the sauce to be spicy, don't put the chilli pepper and the chilli sauce. The dish it's perfectly fit with mashed potatoes and peckles.

Smothie cu banane si unt de arahide / Banana & peanut butter smothie



2 banane
4 linguri de unt de arahide
2 cani de lapte
8-9 cuburi de gheata (optional)
3 lingurite de miere

Mod de preparare:

Am amestecat in blender prima oara mierea cu untul de arahide, adaugand apoi bananele taiate bucati maricele, si cuburile de gheata. Dupa ce gheata s-a zdrobit, am adaugat si laptele.

L-am servit dupa micul dejun.


2 bananas 
4 tablespoons peanut butter
2 cups milk
8-9 ice cubes (optional )
3 teaspoons honey


First i mixed the honey with peanut butter in a blender, then i added big slices of  bananas, the ice cubes and i mixed until the ice cubes were finely chopped. After that step i added the milk.

I served this after the breakfast. 

12 January 2015

Papanasi / Cheese donuts



200 grame branza de vaci
80 grame zahar
1 pliculet zahar vanilat
1/2 lingurita praf de copt
2 oua
faina cat sa lege compozitia
200 grame smantana
4 linguri de zahar
2 lingurite esenta de rom
ulei pentru prajit
1 varf de degete de sare

Mod de preparare:

Intr-un castron am amestecat bine zaharul, ouale, zaharul vanilat, sarea si praful de copt, dupa care am adaugat branza de vaci. Dupa omogenizarea compozitiei, am adaugat treptat faina pana s-a format un aluat inchegat dar totusi lipicios. Am lasat aluatul la odihnit cca. 15 minute. Intr-o tigaie am turnat aproximativ o cana de ulei si  l-am lasat pe foc sa se incinga, Cand uleiul s-a infierbantat destul, am facut niste turtite nici prea mari dar nici prea mici si le-am prajit in baia de ulei. Cat papanasi s-au scurs de ulei pe o farfurie, am amestecat smatana cu cele 4 linguri de zahar si esenta de rom, pe care am pus-o peste papanasi la servire.


200 gr sweet cheese
80 gr sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder 
2 eggs
flour ( enough to tie the composition )
200 gr cream
4 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons of rum essence 
oil for fry
1 pinch of salt


In a bowl give a good mix for  sugar with eggs, vanilla sugar, salt and baking powder and then add the sweet cheese. After the composition is mixed slowly add flour until the composition is all in one and has a gluey consistence. I leave the composition for 15 minutes to rest. In a pan heat the oil and they make some medium flat forms and fry them. When the cheese donuts are ready, leave them to drain the oil. Until then, mix the cream with 4 tablespoons of sugar and the rum essence, which you will put on the cheese donuts when you serve. 

11 January 2015

Omleta cu sunca si mozzarella / Ham and mozzarella omlette



2 oua mari
100 gr sunca
100 gr mozzarella
2 linguri de apa
unt pentru prajit

Mod de preparare:

Sunca am taiat-o bucatele, iar mozzarella sam dat-o pe razatoare. Intre timp ouale, le-am batut cu apa sare si piper. Am adaugat sunca si mozzarella  in oua si le-am amestecat bine.
Am pus o tigaie la incins unde am pus la topit 1 lingura de unt. Cand untul s-a topit am adaugat oul batut si am acoperit tigaia cu un capac timp de 5-6 minute. Cand am stins focul am impaturit omleta si am mai lasat-o in tigaia acoperita de capac inca 1 minut 2 pana am feliat o rosie.


2 large eggs

100 gr ham
100 gr mozzarella
2 tablespoons water
butter for fry


I chopped the ham and grade the mozzarella. Meantime, i beat the eggs with water, salt and pepper. I added the ham and mozzarella in the eggs and give those a good mix.

In a hot pan, i put the butter and after it melts, i added the eggs, covered the pan for 5-6 minutes. When i turned off the fire stove, i fold the omlette in 2 and i leave it for 1-2 minutes more, until i chopped a tomato for serve.

09 January 2015

Cotlet de porc cu ananas caramelizat / Pork chop with caramelized pineapple



2 bucati de cotlet de porc dezosat
1 cutie compot de ananas rondele
1 lingura zahar brun
1 lingura sos de tomate
1 lingura sos de soia
1/2 lingurita pasta de ardei iute sau sos de chilli

Mod de preparare:

Intr-o tigaie am pus la caramelizat zaharul, stingandu-l mai apoi cu 3 linguri de zeama din compotul de ananas. Am caramelizat cateva feliute de ananas si le-am dat deoparte. Intre timp am condimentat cotletele cu sare si piper si le-am prajit in alta tigaie. In prima tigaie unde a ramas zaharul caramelizat, am adaugat sosul de tomate, sosul de soia si pasta de ardei iute si 1 canita de zeama de compot. Le-am incalzit din nou pana au inceput sa clocoteasca, dupa care am adaugat bucatile de cotlet, lasandu-le 3-4 minute sa se patrunda iar sosul sa devina unul gros. La final am adaugat ananasul caramelizat cat sa se incalzeasca si el.

Cotletele le-am servit alaturi de un cus-cus cu ardei.


2 pieces of pork chop

1 jar of pineapple stewed
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of tomato sauce
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon of red chilli paste or chilli sauce


In a pan caramelize the sugar. After that chill down with 3 tablespoons of pineapple stewed. Caramelize a few pineapple slices and after put those away to chill. In another pan fry the pork chops with salt and pepper. Meanwhile in the caramelized sugar pan, add the tomato sauce, soy sauce and the red chilli paste. Boil them and after add the pork chops. Leave 3-4 minutes and then add the pineapple slice just to warm them. 

I served the dish with pepper cous-cous.

Cus-cus cu 3 feluri de ardei / Cous-cous with 3 types of pepper



1,5 canita cus-cus
1/2 ardei gras galben
1/2 ardei gras rosu
1/2 ardei iute verde
1/2 ceapa mica alba

Mod de preparare:

Am tocat marunt ceapa si ardeiul iute, iar cel galben si cel rosu mai grosier. Am calit legumele 3-4 minute cu sare si piper, dupa care am adaugat cus-cusul si am mai calit intreaga compozitie pana cand cus-cusul a devenit auriu. Am copletat apoi cu putina apa de mai multe ori pana cus-cusul s-a fiert.


1,5 cup of cous-cous

1/2 yellow pepper
1/2  red pepper
1/2 green chilli
1/2 small white onion


I chopped the onion and the green chilli and the two others a little bit bigger. I cooked the vegetables 3-4 minutes with salt and pepper. After i added the cous-cous and cook it until the cous-cous became gold. Added a few times a bit of water until the cous-cous was cooked. 

Supa crema de cartofi / Potato soup



200 grame cartofi
1 morcov
1 ceapa mica alba
3 linguri de smantana
apa pentru fiert

bacon prajit si crutoane pentru servire

Mod de preparare:

Se curata,se  taie in bucati mici  legumele si se pun la fiert in apa cu sare si piper.
Dupa fierberea legumelor, acestea se dau prin blender adaugandu-se treptat apa ramasa de la fierberea legumelor. La final se adauga smantana.


200 gr potatos

1 carrot
1 small white onion
3 tablespoons  cream
water for boiling

fried bacon and croutons for serve.


Clean  and chop in small pieces vegetables and boil them in water with salt and pepper. 

After the vegetables are boiled, put those in a blender, and gradually add the boiled water. In the end add the cream and serve the soup with fried bacon and croutons.

08 January 2015

Trufe cu vanilie / Vanilla tuffles



500 gr ciocolata neagra ( minim 57% cacao )
200 gr ciocolata cu lapte
400 ml smantana dulce pentru frisca
35 gr unt moale ( minim 82% grasime )
3 lingurite esenta de vanilie
5 cuisoare zdrobite
coaja rasa de la o portocala
sucul de la 1 jumatate de portocala

Mod de preparare:

Pentru inceput, intr-un vas am  topit ciocolata. In acelasi timp intr-un alt vas am pus la incalzit smantana, cisoarele, esenta de vanilie si coaja de portocala si sucul de portocala,
Cand ciocolata s-a topit iar amestecul de smatana este cald, am omogenizat cu o lingura de lemn smantana in ciocolata, dupa care am adaugat untul.
Compozitia am pus-o intr-o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt si am dat-o la congelator 2 ore si 20 de minute.
La final cu ajutorul unei lingurite am luat compozitie facand niste bilute  pe care le-am dat prin multa cacao ca sa nu se lipeasca.

Tips: La pasul in care m-am apucat sa modelez trufele am folosit o pereche de manusi chirurgicale pentru ca de la caldura mainilor, compozitia de trufe se v-a topi usor, ducand la un mic haos de ciocolata.


500 gr dark chocolate ( minimum 57% cacao )

200 gr milk chocolate 
400 ml sweet cream for whipped cream
35 gr melt butter ( minimum 82% fat )
3 teaspoons vanilla essence 
5 chopped pimento
zest from an orage
juice from 1/2 orange


For beginning i melted the chocolate. In the same time i heat in a pan  the cream, pimento, vanilla essence, orange zest and the juice. 

When the chocolate was melt i  incorporate the cream mix and added the butter, and mixed all together with a wood spoon. 
I gave the mix to the freezer for 2h20min. 
At the final with a teaspoon i made small balls covered with cacao powder to avoid the bonding.

Tips: At the final step i used 1 pair of surgical gloves, because of the body heat the truffles will start to melt and create a small  chocolate chaos.

Grilaj de zahar ars cu nuci / Caramelized nuts grid



200 grame zahar
200 grame nuci sau migdale decojite
1 praf de sare
1 lingurita de scortisoara pudra

Mod de preparare:

Zaharul si scortisoara se caramelizeaza pana cand capata o culoare aurie. Intre timp nucile se taie in bucati nu prea mici.
Cand zaharul s-a caramelizat, se adauga nucile si sarea si se amesteca bine, urmand sa se intinda pe o suprafata plana acoperita cu hartie de copt.
Preparatul este gata de servit a 2 zi.

Tips: Eu prefer sa il rup de mana in bucati nici simetrice nici egale.


200 gr sugar

200 gr nuts or shelled almods
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder


Caramelize the sugar and the cinnamon, until they will get gold. In the meantime chop a bit the nuts. When the sugar is caramelized add the nuts and the salt and give a good mix. In the final step you must put the composition on a flat surface covered with baking paper. 

Is good to serve the next day.

Tips: I like to break in randomly pieces.